Lion's Mane

Ultimate Guide to Lion's Mane: Health Benefits & Uses

Ultimate Guide to Lions Mane: Health Benefits, Uses & Medicinal Research by Antioxi

Discover the captivating world of Lions Mane mushroom, a fungi gaining well-deserved recognition for its extraordinary health benefits and unique characteristics. 

Named for its striking resemblance to a lions mane, this mushroom boasts cascading white spines, setting it apart from its peers. Unlike typical mushrooms, Lions Mane doesn't sport gills underneath; instead, it features delicate spines or "teeth," creating a one-of-a-kind appearance.

In this blog, we'll unravel the intriguing history, delve into the science behind its health perks, explore its diverse applications and guide you on identifying a top-notch Lion's Mane supplement. 

In This Article:

  1. What is Lions Mane?
  2. Lions Mane Unveiled: Lions Mane as a Functional Mushroom
  3. Nourishing the Mind: Lions Mane as a Nootropic
  4. Brain Benefits of Lions Mane
  5. Additional Health Benefits of Lions Mane
  6. How to Buy a Good Quality Lions Mane Supplement?
  7. Dose, Safety, Side Effects
  8. How to Take Lions Mane Mushrooms for Health Support
  9. Lions Mane for Pets
  10. Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lions Mane?

Lions Mane, an age-old mushroom with roots in Asia, holds a rich history of culinary and medicinal practices dating back thousands of years in China, Japan, and India. Throughout its ancient journey, Lions Mane has been recognized by diverse names, such as the "monkey head mushroom" in China, the "mountain monk mushroom" in Japan, and in North America, it is referred to as the "bearded tooth" or "pom-pom" mushroom.

The predominant Lions Mane species is scientifically named Hericium erinaceus, with its common name derived from its resemblance to the majestic mane of a lion from the animal kingdom [1]. Lions Mane captivates observers with its distinctive appearance, featuring long, slender tendrils and a vibrant white hue that sets it apart from other fungi.

Lion's Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane in nature.

This adaptable mushroom offers various culinary options, being enjoyed fermented, extracted, or cooked. Its flavour is often likened to seafood, reminiscent of crab or lobster, making it a common vegetarian substitute for meat, particularly in China and other regions. Lions Mane extracts are integral components in a wide array of health supplements.

Currently, Lion’s Mane is cultivated and harvested across Asia, North America, and Europe, with different societies incorporating it into diverse culinary traditions. Typically found during the summer, Lions Mane is garnering attention for its potential mental and physical health benefits, contributing to its increasing popularity.

Lions Mane Unveiled: Lions Mane as a Functional Mushroom

Lions Mane stands out among functional mushrooms due to its numerous potential health benefits. Other well-known functional mushrooms include Reishi,  Chaga,  Turkey Tail,  Cordyceps,  Maitake, and  Shiitake.

Lions Mane is gaining popularity because of its diverse advantages, such as supporting a healthy inflammatory response and enhancing brain function. This makes it an appealing choice for those seeking to incorporate a mushroom supplement into their healthy lifestyle.

However, before delving into the potential benefits of Lions Mane and integrating it into your daily routine, it's crucial to grasp how it can contribute to your health. Additionally, it's essential to choose a high-quality mushroom powder supplement, as there are many subpar options in the market that may not provide the full bioavailable potency of these mushrooms.

Nourishing the Mind: Lions Mane as a Nootropic

Any substance or supplement that enhances brain performance falls under the category of nootropics. The term "nootropic" has gained popularity in recent years, reflecting the supplement industry's increased emphasis on identifying natural and synthetic substances taken orally to improve memory, focus, and cognition. Even common and widely consumed substances like caffeine qualify as nootropics because of their brain-boosting effects.

Lions Mane has a longstanding history as a brain-boosting supplement. Chinese Buddhist monks incorporated Lions Mane powder into their tea, asserting its efficacy in enhancing focus during meditation and overall brain power [2]. Modern scientific studies are now exploring these claims, yielding promising results.

Click here to learn more about Nootropics and unlocking your brain’s potential.

Hericenones and Erinacines: Compounds for Neurological Health

Every time you speak, move, or recall information, lightning-fast nerve impulses travel through a sequence of neurons (brain cells). Neurons are connected by gaps called synapses, and for these impulses to flow smoothly from one neuron to another, the path through these synapses must be unobstructed.

Just as a functional country relies on a transportation system to deliver goods to its residents, a healthy brain needs a transportation system to supply nutrients to its neurons. A thriving brain is one where neurons receive the necessary nutrition to function well and transmit nerve impulses rapidly.

Specific compounds, known as hericenones and erinacines, extracted and isolated from Lions Mane, exhibit qualities that could safeguard neurons and nerves in our bodies. These unique neuroprotective effects are thought to potentially shield the brain from the typical mild cognitive decline associated with ageing [1].

Brain Benefits of Lions Mane

Hericenones and erinacines play a pivotal role in brain health, let’s explore how:

Lions Mane Supports Nerve Tissue Health

Hericenones and erinacines have been demonstrated to support motor function and promote the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), a key protein in the brain [1]

NGF is essential not just for the growth of neurons, but also for their maintenance and survival. As mentioned earlier, neurons are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, responsible for processing and transmitting information. 

Illustration of a Lion's Mane mushroom surrounded by dream-like roots, symbolising its nerve support benefits

By enhancing NGF levels, Lions Mane can support neuronal health, thereby fostering improved cognitive functions and neural communication.

As you age, the ability of your brain to form connections reduces along with its capacity to form new neurons (brain cells), and this leads to diminished mental functioning in elderly people. Studies have investigated the ability of Lions Mane to combat dementia, and suggested promising outcomes in its application for dementia-related conditions [3].

Lions Mane for Memory & Cognition

Animal studies suggest that compounds from Lions Mane may enhance nerve impulse transmission and support both short-term and long-term memory [1]. Interestingly, these same compounds were observed to counteract oxidative stress on the brain [1].

Human studies on the impact of Lions Mane on brain health has also been conducted. In a Japanese study, adults with mild memory issues related to ageing who took Lions Mane mushroom extract performed better on a brain function test compared to those who didn't take the extract [4]. Interestingly, the study also noted that their scores declined after stopping the mushroom consumption.

Illustration of a woman and a brain. Brain contains Lion's Mane filments representing its cognitive benefits

Another study involving healthy middle-aged individuals using Lions Mane demonstrated positive outcomes in improving cognitive function and short-term memory [5]. These findings suggest that Lions Mane has the potential to promote cognitive health.

Lions Mane is proving to be a remarkable ally in supporting cognitive function, and ongoing research aims to uncover its potential in enhancing the quality of life for many.

Lions Mane for Anxiety & Mood

Lions Mane also extends its positive impact to mental health. Studies suggest that Lions Mane may possess mood-lifting properties, offering potential relief for those dealing with occasional worry and blue moods [6, 7].

Illustration of a man smiling near a Lion's Mane mushroom-like tree, symbolising anxiety relief

Research indicates that Lions Mane supports healthy neuron production in the hippocampus, a brain region regulating emotions, potentially contributing to a positive mood and stress relief [8]. A Japanese clinical trial further supported these findings, revealing that Lions Mane supplementation reduced anxiety and decreased feelings of irritation and frustration [9]. Notably, the trial suggested that the anxiety-reducing mechanism differed from Lions Manes nerve growth factor (NGF)-enhancing effects [9].

The medicinal compounds responsible for Lions Manes cognitive health benefits, hericenones and erinacines, also play a role in anxiety relief. Hericenones stimulate the release of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), crucial for maintaining mood balance and memory function [10]. Additionally, sesquiterpenoids, present in Lions Mane and known for their calming properties, contribute to anti-stress activity, suppressing anxiety-related behaviour patterns (5) [11]. This compound has been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in older adults when taken daily for four weeks [11].

Click here to learn more about how Lions Mane can help manage anxiety.

Lions Mane for Brain Fog

Mental confusion, often referred to as brain fog, is a common manifestation of ageing and can also be associated with various conditions like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Lupus, insomnia, menopause, and pregnancy. Additionally, specific medications may induce brain fog as a side effect.

Emerging research highlights that the active compounds in Lions Mane supplements possess the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. 

Illustration of a brain with the sun rising behind it and clear skies, symbolising Lion's Mane mushrooms benefits for brain fog

This key feature enables them to directly influence and enhance cognitive functions. By boosting the levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain, these compounds contribute significantly to the repair and regeneration of brain cells. This process is vital for enhancing mental clarity, sharpening concentration, and bolstering memory, thus offering a natural and effective means to mitigate the symptoms of brain fog and restore cognitive health.

Lions Mane for Sleep

Lions Mane contributes to the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle by reducing wakefulness during the active phase of sleep (REM). Consequently, taking Lions Mane before bedtime might be beneficial for individuals with delayed sleep phase syndrome [12].

Illustration of a woman sleeping under a Lion's Mane mushroom, symbolising it sleeping benefits

Moreover, Lions Mane possesses immune-modulating properties that assist in managing external stressors, contributing to a more restful sleep.

Alternatively, you can incorporate Lions Mane into your morning routine upon waking up. This aids in resetting your biorhythm, promoting alertness, and preparing your brain for optimal functioning throughout the waking hours.

Additional Health Benefits of Lions Mane

Health Benefits At a Glance:

  • Lions Mane May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Lions Mane Supports Heart Health
  • Lions Mane Can Help Regulate Digestive Health
  • Lions Mane May Help Improve Gastric Health
  • Lions Mane May Help Balance Blood Sugar
  • Lions May Support A Healthy Immune Response
  • Lions May Help Manage Menopause Symptoms

    Lions Mane mushroom is associated with a multitude of potential health benefits that extend beyond cognitive and neurological aspects. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lions Mane has been endorsed for numerous millennia, serving as a tonic for various purposes, from digestive health to enhancing overall vitality [1]. 

    Contemporary research is reaffirming the validity of these ancient practices, highlighting the potential of Lions Mane to enhance mental, cognitive, and physical well-being in diverse ways. Here are some additional areas where Lions Mane may potentially contribute to improving health:

    Lions Mane May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

    As discussed previously, Lions Mane possesses hericenones and erinacines. In animal studies, these compounds were found to specifically fight against Alzheimer’s disease as well as other neurological conditions that cause memory loss. [13] 

    Illustration of an elderly person looking at a Lion's Mane mushroom with butterflies flying around him, representing alzheimers and lions mane memory support

    Lions Mane mushroom is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, which are particularly relevant since Alzheimer's disease is increasingly recognized as a condition with a significant inflammatory component.

    Studies suggest Lions Mane possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties that fight markers of Alzheimer’s like amyloid plaques. Amyloid plaques accumulate in the brain during Alzheimer’s disease and damage neurons. In animal studies, Lions Mane has been cited to prevent neuronal damage caused by amyloid plaques [14].

    Click here to learn more about how mushrooms can help with Alzheimer’s Disease.

    Lions Mane Supports Heart Health

    Concerns about heart health are widespread globally, and there's emerging research on how the Lions Mane Mushroom may contribute to cardiovascular well-being. The connection between maintaining a healthy weight and cardiovascular health is well-established.

    Illustration of a Lion's Mane mushroom surrounded by green ribbons, symbolising it liver support properties

    Studies on animals revealed that mice given Lions Mane extract along with a high-fat diet exhibited enhanced metabolism and maintained a healthier weight [15]. 

    Additionally, Lions Mane appears to play a role in preserving the flexibility of arteries by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol [16]. The compound Hericenone B, derived from Lions Mane, has demonstrated support for healthy blood clotting [17]. Collectively, these advantages work together to promote a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

    Lions Mane Can Help Regulate Digestive Health

    Lions Mane has the potential to alleviate stomach discomfort and promote overall digestive well-being [18,19]. In a study utilising a Lions Mane protein, there was a decrease in inflamed digestive tissues and an increase in microbiome diversity, both beneficial outcomes for irritable bowel diseases [20].

    Illustration of a healthy gut

    Traditional Chinese medicine has long employed Lions Mane to aid digestive organs. Recent findings related to the gut-brain axis highlight the significance of the connection between these two systems for brain health [21].

    Studies have also explored whether extracts from Lions Mane mushroom could have anticancer effects on human gastrointestinal cancers. The study found promising results, indicating that the mushrooms extracts demonstrated potential in fighting cancers affecting the digestive system [22].

    Lions Mane May Help Improve Gastric Health

    While gastric health and digestive health are related, they are not exactly the same. Gastric health specifically refers to the health and well-being of the stomach, while digestive health encompasses the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the rectum. Improving gastric health can contribute to overall digestive well-being.

    Scientific exploration with rats reveal that Lions Mane can act as a formidable shield against ethanol-induced ulcers in the stomach [23, 24]. This suggests a potential role in maintaining the structural integrity of the stomach lining under stress.

    Furthermore, Lions Mane exhibits promising anti-Helicobacter pylori effects, hinting at its capability to counter bacteria associated with stomach-related issues [25]. There is also evidence that points towards the effectiveness of Lions Mane therapy in addressing chronic atrophic gastritis, a condition marked by inflammation of the stomach lining [26].

    Delving deeper into the cellular realm, studies emphasise that Lions Mane has cell-protecting capabilities on the gastric mucosa (the innermost layer of the stomach lining), implying its ability to shield stomach cells from harm [27]. In the context of ethanol-induced gastric ulcers, Lions Mane showcased a mitigating effect against the detrimental impact of ethanol on the stomach [24].

    These scientific narratives collectively depict Lions Mane not only as a cognitive enhancer but also as a multifaceted ally in promoting digestive resilience. 

    Lions Mane May Help Balance Blood Sugar

    Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health. Animal studies indicate that Lions Mane may contribute to this by regulating enzymes in the small intestine, promoting balanced blood sugar  [28].

    Lions Mane May Support A Healthy Immune Response

    A robust immune system is essential for defending the body against external threats. Lions Mane, along with other functional mushrooms, can act as a beneficial supporter of the immune system. In vitro studies suggest that it may contribute to a healthy immune response by regulating gut and intestinal bacteria [29]. Additionally, studies on mice indicate that Lions Mane has the potential to regulate intestinal mucosal activity, thereby enhancing immune system strength [30].

    Lions Mane May Help Manage Menopause Symptoms

    As mentioned above, brain fog can be a symptom of menopause. By elevating the levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain, the compounds present in Lions Mane play a crucial role in repairing and regenerating brain cells. This essential process enhances mental clarity, sharpens concentration, and strengthens memory, providing a natural and effective way to alleviate the symptoms of brain fog and promote cognitive health.

    One of the other common symptoms of menopause is having mood swings, specifically irritation and anxiety. A small study found that eating cookies with lions mane mushroom extract daily for a month helped manage feelings of irritation and anxiousness. [9]

    Click here to learn more about how mushrooms can help manage menopause symptoms.


    How to Buy a Good Quality Lions Mane Supplement?

    Choosing a good quality mushroom supplement can be a daunting task, as there are many options available in the market. However, there are a few key things to consider when selecting a high-quality mushroom supplement:

    Fruiting Body vs. Mycelium

    There is ongoing debate regarding the optimal part of the Lions Mane fungus for obtaining its cognitive benefits: the mushroom (fruiting body) or the mycelium (root-like fungal filaments). This debate centres around two key compounds: hericenones in the mushroom and erinacines in the mycelium.

    Scientific studies have shown that both hericenones and erinacines exhibit properties supporting neuronal health [31]. The question arises: should one choose a mushroom supplement for hericenones or a mycelium-based supplement for erinacines?

    Opting for mycelium-based Lions Mane supplements presents two challenges:

    1. Mycelium supplements often include the grain on which they are grown, diluting the product and its medicinal compounds. Erinacines are found in very small amounts in pure mycelium (~0.01%), and the inclusion of the growth grain further reduces this concentration.

    2. Lions Mane mycelium research is typically based on pure mycelium through liquid fermentation, which differs significantly from the myceliated grain commonly found in Lions Mane supplements.

    As of now, most clinical data on Lion's Mane is derived from research using the mushroom (fruiting body) [31].

    Explore the notable distinctions between supplements crafted from mycelium and those derived from the fruiting body by clicking here.

    The Problem with Focusing on Hericenones and Erinacines

    A significant portion of the research on Lions Mane revolves around its neurotropic and neuroprotective properties attributed to compounds known as hericenones and erinacines. However, it's crucial to note that there is currently no dependable laboratory method for testing these specific compounds.

    Claims made by products regarding the amounts of hericenones and erinacines should be viewed with scepticism, as there is a lack of reliable testing methods. Some suppliers may offer products with assurances of specific compound levels, employing UV testing methods. It's important to recognize that UV testing is notoriously unreliable and inaccurate, potentially leading to the quantification of incorrect compounds. Brands relying on such compound-specific guarantees may inadvertently convey a false sense of quality and reliability.

    Beta-Glucan Content

    Numerous brands incorporate various starches, fillers, colorings, unnecessary additives, and additional ingredients into their mushroom supplements. Unfortunately, these additions do not contribute to any health benefits. More concerning is that they often signify a low percentage of the actual Lions Mane extract present in the product. Consequently, this leads to a reduced concentration of beta-glucans, which are the medicinal compounds, indicating a diminished therapeutic potency.

    It's essential to be cautious about product labels, as many well-known supplement brands obscure the use of myceliated grain and other fillers. To ensure the highest potency and value in a functional fungi supplement, carefully check the product label for specific information on beta-glucan content. If the beta-glucan content is not clearly stated, the product is likely to have insufficient levels.

    Beta-Glucan Benefits Explained

    Beta-glucans, the key compounds found in mushrooms, play a pivotal role in fostering immune support and various medicinal attributes.

    Widely recognized as Biological Response Modifiers (BRMs) [32], beta-glucans function by modulating the immune system, adjusting its activity as needed. These modifiers have the capacity to enhance the immune response, leading to a more effective defence against infections. Conversely, they can also dampen an excessively active immune response by modulating anti-inflammatory cytokines.

    Organically Certified

    Opt for certified organic options as mushrooms tend to absorb pollutants from their surroundings. Mushrooms that are organically grown refer to mushrooms cultivated in a natural manner, devoid of herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides.

    Illustration of a mushroom with a golden badge certifying it's authenticity as  100% organic

    Safety Tests

    Heavy metals and pesticides tests are safety tests which will indicate whether mushrooms are safe to consume.

    Extraction Method

    Understanding the ingredients in your diet is crucial, especially when it comes to functional mushrooms and their quality. 

    A key indicator of a high-quality functional mushroom product is its extraction from the mushroom by using the appropriate method. Three commonly used extraction methods for functional mushrooms are hot water, alcohol, and dual extraction (involving both hot water and alcohol). 

    The choice of the extraction method can impact the quality, and research indicates that not all methods are equally effective for every mushroom. Some methods may even remove medicinal constituents during the process. Therefore, it is crucial for supplement producers to understand which extraction method ensures maximum benefit and efficacy for their product.

    Click the link below to learn more about what to look for when choosing a high-quality mushroom supplement. 

    Learn More

    Dose, Safety, Side Effects

    ⚖️ Dose

    🥄 Baseline Dose

    Start with 2 capsules or 1 gram per day for general wellness. This helps you experience the foundational benefits of Lion’s Mane.

    🥣 Enhanced Dose

    For more pronounced effects, please get in touch with us. Our team can help you determine the best approach for your needs. 

    Flexible Dosage Regimen

    Whether you prefer splitting the dose throughout the day or taking it all at once, the choice is yours. For optimal absorption, it is recommended to consume mushrooms on an empty stomach. However, if you have a sensitive constitution, consider splitting the dose and taking it after a meal.

    Feeling unsure about where to begin? Schedule your free private online consultation with Marko, our Founder, and discover the perfect products to meet your wellness goals. Click here to book a free consultation with Marko.



    ⚠️ While Lions Mane boasts numerous well-documented health benefits, individuals with a mushroom allergy should exercise caution before incorporating it into their daily routine. It is advisable for those with mushroom allergies to seek approval from their healthcare provider before consuming Lions Mane. 

    ⚠️ Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with a doctor to obtain approval before including Lions Mane in their regimen.

    ⚠️ Individuals with dermatitis or or any other inflammatory skin conditions, please consult with a healthcare professional before including Lions Mane in your healthcare routine, as it could cause skin reactions.

    ⚠️ Individuals with Asthma should not use Lions mane.

    Medication Interactions

    Lions Mane is generally well-tolerated; however, it has the potential to interact with certain common medications.

    Individuals taking blood-thinning medications, those with bleeding disorders, or individuals preparing for surgery should consult their healthcare provider before incorporating Lions Mane into their regimen.

    If you have any concerns regarding the interaction between medicinal mushrooms and your medications, it's a good idea to discuss it with your healthcare provider. They can offer you the most appropriate guidance.

    Please bear in mind that the information we provide is for educational purposes and shouldn't be considered a replacement for professional medical advice. 

    Your health and safety are important to us and we want to ensure all our customers use our products to their benefit, not detriment.

    Side Effects

    Lions Mane is generally well-tolerated with few known side-effects. Lions Mane mushrooms contain coprine, which suppresses the liver enzymes that metabolise alcohol. This makes it difficult for your body to digest alcohol, which can result in flushing, nausea, headache, dizziness, and palpitations. Although these symptoms usually resolve within 6 hours, they could recur the next time alcohol is consumed. 

    How to Take Lions Mane Mushroom Extract for Health Support

    Powders vs. Capsules

    For those with a fast-paced lifestyle, intricate recipes might not be in the cards. That's precisely why Antioxi has crafted an Organic Lions Mane Extract available in convenient capsule form.

    If you're a cooking enthusiast or favour the convenience of a powder, our Organic Lions Mane Extract in powder form could be an ideal option for you. Our Lions Mane Powder can be seamlessly incorporated into smoothies, stews, coffee and all your other favourite meals and drinks. 

    It's essential to note that there is no difference in potency between our powdered extracts and capsules. Our capsules contain the exact same powdered extract, guaranteeing uniform effectiveness throughout our product line.

    Lions Mane Mushroom Extract from Antioxi

    Lion’s Mane for Pets

    Pets, especially those dealing with anxiety or ageing, may experience low moods. It's essential to support your pet's relaxation, as stress can negatively impact their immune system and brain health, increasing the risk of diseases. 

    Antioxi Calm and Comfort Pet Supplements

    Introducing our Calm & Comfort Blend for Pets, crafted with Lions Mane and other medicinal mushrooms, aims to enhance your pet's well-being by fortifying their immune and nervous systems, promoting a more relaxed state.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are the Mushrooms Organic?

    All of our mushrooms have been organically sourced and certified.

    Is It Safe To Consume Medicinal Mushrooms During Pregnancy or whilst Breastfeeding?

    While medicinal mushrooms can offer some great benefits during pregnancy such as strengthening immune health, improving digestion and of course the much needed energy boost, there is unfortunately not yet enough information regarding studies during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding where we can confidently give advice.

    The best would be to consult with your healthcare provider and/or midwife.

    Can Children Use Medicinal Mushrooms?

    Research regarding the use of medicinal mushrooms by children is still at its infancy. There is however an interesting study conducted in 2018 which investigated the effects of Reishi on immune system cells of 3-5 year olds. [33]

    The study showed that Reishi increased immune system cell counts in the peripheral blood, which are crucial for defending against infections. The treatments were also well-tolerated and safe, with no abnormal increases in serum creatinine or hepatic aminotransferases. While the study shows promise in the safety and effectiveness of the use of medicinal mushrooms in children, we do always suggest consulting with your child's doctor prior to introducing anything new into their diet.

    If you do get the go ahead we suggest reducing the diet to 1/4 of a dose for young children.

    These findings suggest the need for more extended controlled clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of medicinal mushrooms in preventing infections in children.

    What is the difference between your Powder and Capsules?

    There is no difference in terms of benefits. The only difference is preference of use.

    What is the difference between using the 8 Mushroom Blend and using an individual mushroom?

    Our 8-blend mushroom product is like an all-in-one health elixir. It's perfect for those seeking overall well-being, boosting digestion, or just looking for a daily health lift.

    However, if you're using mushrooms as targeted support for a specific health concern, say, Lion's Mane for cognitive clarity or Reishi for stress relief, the individual route is your best bet.

    Are There Any Allergy Precautions/Medication Interactions?

    Individuals with a mushroom allergy should exercise caution before incorporating it into their daily routine. It is advisable for those with mushroom allergies to seek approval from their healthcare provider before consuming Lion’s Mane. 

    Individuals taking blood-thinning medications, those with bleeding disorders, or individuals preparing for surgery should consult their healthcare provider before incorporating Lion’s Mane into their regimen.

    Which Mushroom Extraction do you use?

    The optimal extraction method once again depends on the mushroom itself. Different methods are used to promote and dissolve the unique active ingredients in the mushroom extracts and hence create a high spectrum mushroom extract.

    The 3 different extraction methods:

    1. Alcohol (ethanol)

    This extraction is used to draw out the fat-soluble compounds in the mushrooms, such as the adaptogenic terpenoids. 

    2. Hot water 

    This extraction is used to extract the water-soluble compounds, the polysaccharides, and the immunomodulating Beta-D-glucans. The dual extraction process ensures you’re getting the full spectrum of compounds when it comes to a potent mushroom extract.

    3. Dual extraction

    Dual extraction refers to a combination of water and alcohol extraction. The dual extraction process ensures you’re getting the full spectrum of compounds when it comes to a mushroom where the active ingredients benefit from both alcohol and well as a water extract.

    Hot water extraction works best for:

    Cordyceps, Turkey Tail & Maitake

    Double (alcohol & water) extraction works best for:

    Lion's Mane, Reishi, Chaga

    Do you use the Fruiting Body or Mycelium?

    We use a 1:1 ratio of Mycelium and Fruiting Body for Lion’s Mane .

    We have a helpful article here which explains the different mushroom parts.


      1. Spelman, Kevin; Sutherland, Elizabeth; Bagade, Aravind. December 19, 2017 Journal of Restorative Medicine, Volume 6, Number 1, 3 December 2017, pp. 19-26(8) 
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      7. Ryu, S., Kim, H. G., Kim, J. Y., Kim, S. Y., & Cho, K. O. (2018). Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain. Journal of medicinal food, 21(2), 174–180. 
      8. Nagano, M., Shimizu, K., Kondo, R., Hayashi, C., Sato, D., Kitagawa, K., & Ohnuki, K. (2010). Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake. Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan), 31(4), 231–237. 
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      11. Furuta, S., Kuwahara, R., Hiraki, E., Ohnuki, K., Yasuo, S., & Shimizu, K. (2016). Hericium erinaceus extracts alter behavioral rhythm in mice. Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan), 37(4), 227–232.
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    1 comment



    I’ve always enjoyed mushrooms for their taste, but learning about their health benefits—like boosting immunity, improving gut health , and even fighting inflammation—makes me appreciate them even more. It’s incredible how versatile and powerful these little fungi are!

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